objective c - Unable to set different video duration for capture and edit video in ios -

i working on project in need set 1 minute video recording user should , edit , select video of 30 second duration.

below code used enable 30 second maximum editing time.

-(bool)startcameracontrollerfromviewcontroller: (uiviewcontroller*) controller                                    usingdelegate: (id <uiimagepickercontrollerdelegate,                                                    uinavigationcontrollerdelegate>) delegate {      if (([uiimagepickercontroller issourcetypeavailable:uiimagepickercontrollersourcetypecamera] == no) || (delegate == nil) || (controller == nil))     {         return no;     }      uiimagepickercontroller *cameraui = [[uiimagepickercontroller alloc] init];     cameraui.sourcetype = uiimagepickercontrollersourcetypecamera;      // displays control allows user choose movie capture     cameraui.mediatypes = [[nsarray alloc] initwithobjects: (nsstring *) kuttypemovie, nil];      // hides controls moving & scaling pictures, or     // trimming movies. instead show controls, use yes.     cameraui.allowsediting = yes;     cameraui.videomaximumduration = 30;     cameraui.delegate = delegate;      [controller presentmodalviewcontroller: cameraui animated: yes];     return yes; } 

any highly appreciated.

apple has provided sample video editing. can refer aveditdemo sample in wwdc 2010 sample code pack think so....


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