hashmap validation in spring -

my hashmap :

    hashmap h = new hashmap();     hashmap h2 = new hashmap();     list<hashmap> lh = new arraylist<hashmap>();     hashmap ch;      lh = new arraylist<hashmap>();     ch = new hashmap();     ch.put("op", "==");     ch.put("value", "20dd1");     lh.add(ch);     h2.put("location", lh);        lh = new arraylist<hashmap>();     ch = new hashmap();     ch.put("op", ">=");     ch.put("value", "1239");     lh.add(ch);      ch = new hashmap();     ch.put("op", "<=");     ch.put("value", "1234");     lh.add(ch);     h2.put("invno", lh);         lh = new arraylist<hashmap>();     ch = new hashmap();     ch.put("op", ">=");     ch.put("value", "1239");     lh.add(ch);      ch = new hashmap();     ch.put("op", "<=");     ch.put("value", "1234");     lh.add(ch);     h2.put("issdate", lh);        h.put("invoice", h2); 

i want validate hashmap (search jsp) 2 condition:

1) type check (int/double/float etc) 2) range check like entry invoice no. from, invoice no. to

my validate function is: (working)

1) iterator iterator = typech.entryset().iterator();     while (iterator.hasnext()) {         map.entry mapentry = (map.entry) iterator.next();         string key = (string) mapentry.getkey();         if (key.equals(field)) {             string type = (string) mapentry.getvalue();             if (type.equals("intvalidator")) {                 try {                     sent.put(field, "ok: " + integer.parseint(value));                 } catch (exception e) {                     sent.put(field, "must 0-9");                 }             } else if (type.equals("decimalvalidator")) {                 try {                     sent.put(field, "ok: " + double.parsedouble(value));                 } catch (exception e) {                     sent.put(field, "must double");                 }         }      }  2) int = integer.parseint(val.get(1));     int = integer.parseint(val.get(2));      if (from > to) {         sent.put(field, "from must less to");     } else {         sent.put(field, "ok");     } 

i want create these type of validations in spring.

how can these? pls help!!

you can implement hashmap in spring application context , share across ioc using following util:map. that, first include xmlns:util in schema (in spring configuration file).


then define map:

<util:map id="typech"     key-type="java.lang.string"     value-type="java.lang.string"     map-class="java.util.hashmap"> </util:map> 

then in java source code:

@resource map<string, string> typech; 

populate map once , send class having validation logic.


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