ajax - JSON parsing in javascript, the data is always undefined -

this question has answer here:

i trying parse random json file online, can try link , @ yourself. no matter for, 'undefined' when accessing data. want sort of output json. example, how can list of names ('nm') in file? no matter do, gives me undefined.

    $.ajax(     {         type: 'get',         url: 'http://mysafeinfo.com/api/data?list=englishmonarchs&format=json',         contenttype: "application/json; charset=utf-8",         datatype: "json",         async: false,         success: function(r)         {             alert(r.example);         }     }); 

the data fetched api array of objects this.

[{   nm: "edward elder",   cty: "gb",   hse: "house of wessex",   yrs: "899-925" }, {   nm: "athelstan",   cty: "gb",   hse: "house of wessex",   yrs: "925-940" }] 

one of ways iterate on array of objects $.each

success: function(r) {   $.each(r, function(index, value){ // iterating on each object         console.log(value.nm); // <---- accessing nm of each object    }); } 


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