javascript - How to add 'important' to zIndex -

i have conflict between add-ons on site. using firebug, noticed if add "!important" z-index can avoid conflict.

but z-index value set using javascript , not css

so how add "!important" following js code: = $("<ul>")    .addclass("ui-autocomplete")    .appendto(this.document.find(this.options.appendto || "body")[0])    .zindex(this.element.zindex() + 1)  // !! <- here // !!    .hide()    .data("menu"); 

edit: proposed answer [how apply !important using .css()? ] understand need add following code -

if ( {  // ie 9- not support... ("z-index", (this???.element.zindex() + 1), "important");   } 

how add it: xxx in case? , "this" ?

edit 2: since became jquery syntax question, asked different tags in - how add 'if' jquery chain code

i think got this = $("<ul>")    .addclass("ui-autocomplete")    .appendto(this.document.find(this.options.appendto || "body")[0]) //   .zindex(this.element.zindex() + 1)  // !! <- here // !!    .style.setproperty ("zindex", zindex()+1, "important");    .hide()    .data("menu"); 


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