boost - How to find a random bit 1 (or 0) in a dynamic_bit set? -

how find random bit 1 (or 0) in dynamic_bit set?


bitset: 101101 index : 012345  find_random_bit_1() return 3 find_random_bit_0() return 4 

the simplest thing keep selecting bits until find 1 you're after:

template <typename t, typename alloc, typename rnd = boost::mt19937> size_t select_random_bit(boost::dynamic_bitset<t, alloc> const& bs, rnd& random, bool target = true) {     boost::uniform_int<size_t> pick(0,bs.size()-1);      if (bs.empty() || (bs.all() && !target) || (bs.none() && target))         throw std::range_error("select_random_bit");      while(true) {         auto index = pick(random);         if (bs[index] == target)             return index;     }      throw std::logic_error("select_random_bit"); } 

the important thing precondition checks avoid infinite loops. of course, performance bad non-uniform data, it's simplest way arrive @ fair distribution

live on coliru

#include <boost/dynamic_bitset.hpp> #include <boost/random.hpp> #include <iostream> #include <stdexcept>  template <typename t, typename alloc, typename rnd = boost::mt19937> size_t select_random_bit(boost::dynamic_bitset<t, alloc> const& bs, rnd& random, bool target = true) {     boost::uniform_int<size_t> pick(0,bs.size()-1);      if (bs.empty() || (bs.all() && !target) || (bs.none() && target))         throw std::range_error("select_random_bit");      while(true) {         auto index = pick(random);         if (bs[index] == target)             return index;     }      throw std::logic_error("select_random_bit"); }  boost::dynamic_bitset<> generate_testdata(boost::mt19937& rng) {     boost::dynamic_bitset<> bs(1024+rng()%1024); // [1024,2048) bits      boost::uniform_smallint<uint8_t> gen(0, 1);     for(size_t = 0; < bs.size(); ++i)         bs[i] = gen(rng);      return bs; }  int main() {     using namespace boost;      mt19937 rng(42); // seed     auto data = generate_testdata(rng);      std::cout << data.count() << " out of " << data.size() << " bits set\n";      std::cout << "\ntrue: ";     (int = 0; <10; ++i)         std::cout << select_random_bit(data, rng/*, true*/) << " ";      std::cout << "\nfalse: ";     (int = 0; <10; ++i)         std::cout << select_random_bit(data, rng, false) << " "; } 

prints 10 true , 10 false bits, e.g.:

562 out of 1126 bits set  true: 1104 394 684 716 624 492 102 817 392 616  false: 335 589 971 785 1069 948 865 290 51 652  


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