inheritance - Python super override object name -

i'm trying extend framework, have this:

class a(object):     def test(self):         print(1)   class b(object):     def method(self):         = a()         a.test()   class customa(a):     def test(self):         print(2)   class c(b):      def method(self):         = customa         super(c, self).method()  c = c() c.method() 

classes , b framework.

i want edit test() a, , make c use new method.

in code, example, how can make code print 2 instead of 1?


this simple example. want extend this class. instead of create settingspanel, create customsettingspanel

but problem i'll need lot of classes, want way make python use customsettingspanel , not settingspanel.

there's lot of ways approach problem.

if can edit b, refactor instead of hard dependency on a, have accept parameter in ___init___ allow 1 specify class instantiate. like:

class b(object):     def __init___(self, clazz=a):         self.__clazz = clazz     def method(self):         = self.__clazz()         a.test()  class c(b):     def __init__(self):         super(c, self).__init__(customa) 

if can't edit b, i'd suggest wrapping in adapter, have code interact through class (rather b or c) , manage complexity of a vs customa choice there in adapter via flag parameter:

class abcadapter(object):     use_class_a = 0     use_class_customa = 1      def __init__(self, test_class=use_class_a):         if test_class = use_class_a:             self.a_instance = a()         elif test_class = use_class_customa:             self.a_instance = customa()      def method(self):         self.a_instance.test() 

could other object creational patterns (factories, etc). depends on constraints , you're trying accomplish.


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