c# - DataBinding with datatriggers XAML with Boolean Local Variable -

i having trouble getting tabitem flash when value newcall true. think have xaml correct not sure how bind behind in code. when variable new call set true tabitem flash.

<tabitem.style>     <style targettype="{x:type tabitem}" basedon="{staticresource metrotabitem}">         <style.resources>             <storyboard x:key="flashanimation" >                 <doubleanimation storyboard.targetproperty="opacity" from="1" to="0" autoreverse="true" duration="0:0:0.5" repeatbehavior="forever" />             </storyboard>         </style.resources>         <style.triggers>             <datatrigger binding="{binding newcall}" value="true">                 <datatrigger.enteractions>                 <beginstoryboard name="flash" storyboard="{staticresource flashanimation}" />                     </datatrigger.enteractions>             </datatrigger>         </style.triggers>     </style> </tabitem.style> 

your viewmodel has implement inotifypropertychanged. in viewmodel add following code:

private bool _newcall;      public bool newcall     {         { return _newcall; }         set         {              _newcall = value;             if (propertychanged != null)             {                 propertychanged(this, new propertychangedeventargs("newcall"));             }         }     } 

and change binding="{binding newcall} binding="{binding newcall, updatesourcetrigger=propertychanged}"

then, tabitem start flashing newcall set true


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