ios - Working with APNS in production apps -

using apns in small environments , low volume notifications not problem.

the problem (for me @ least) how work apns limitations in large, high volume of notifications environment.

apns has limitations (by design) make harder smooth work

  1. constant connecting , disconnecting apns might considered dos attack. leads me believe need batch-send notifications every few seconds , not have "real time" sending

  2. there no knowledge if notification has arrived or sent succesfully. when there error, returned, , when returned might not immediate.

  3. when notification causes error (for example due bad token) connection closed apns, , rest of notifications in batch won't sent destination, might still sent apns , lost forever (no feedback on success, there no knowledge happened them).

how real-life production apps work apns work around mentioned problems? should save notifications send , each check if error returned? should put them in queue? should face fact there notifications won't sent? reasonable time between connections won't count dos attack?

(at moment use houston in ruby handling notifications)

as know apns service not reliable. can use amazon simple notification service (amazon sns).

it is fast, flexible, managed push notification service lets send individual messages or fan-out messages large numbers of recipients. amazon sns makes simple , cost effective send push notifications mobile device users, email recipients or send messages other distributed services. follow below url more detail......


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