c++ - Which smart pointer to use in Stack implementation? -

from i've understood correctly:

scoped_ptr: no overhead, cannot copied or moved.

unique_ptr: no overhead, cannot copied, can moved.

shared_ptr: overhead (reference counting), can copied.

having said that, if there need several owners, shared_ptr should used.

now, in program below simple implementation of stack in c++. don't understand type of smart pointer should used.

the reason i'm asking question because both unique_ptr shared_ptr cannot copied , i'm doing in implementation of simple stack. i've commented out //here in program i'm using c++ pointers , if read program you'll see how data getting copied in pretty functions.


#ifndef _h_gamestate_ #define _h_gamestate_  #include <iostream> #include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp> #include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp> #include <memory>  class node { public:     std::string gamestate;     node * nextgamestate;    // here };  class gamestatestack { private:     node * _topstate;    // here     void destory();  public:     int gamestatescount;     void pushgamestate(std::string element);     void popgamestate();     std::string currentgamestate();     gamestatestack();     ~gamestatestack(); };  extern gamestatestack state;  #endif 


#include <iostream> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string> #include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp> #include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp> #include <memory> #include "gamestatestack.h" #include "template.h"  gamestatestack state;  gamestatestack::gamestatestack() {     _topstate = null;     gamestatescount = 0; }  gamestatestack::~gamestatestack() {  }  void gamestatestack::pushgamestate(std::string gamestatename) {     node *newtopstate = new node;  // here     if (_topstate == null)     {         newtopstate->gamestate = gamestatename;         newtopstate->nextgamestate = null;         _topstate = newtopstate;         gamestatescount++;     }      else     {         newtopstate->gamestate = gamestatename;         newtopstate->nextgamestate = _topstate;         _topstate = newtopstate;         gamestatescount++;     } }  void gamestatestack::popgamestate() {     if (_topstate == null)         std::cout << "error: no gamestates available pop";     else     {         node * old = _topstate;  // here         _topstate = _topstate->nextgamestate;         delete(old);         gamestatescount--;     } }  std::string gamestatestack::currentgamestate() {     node *temp;    // here     temp = _topstate;     return temp->gamestate; }  void gamestatestack::destory() {     node *abc;    // here     delete _topstate;     delete abc->nextgamestate; } 

here how stack implemented using std::unique_ptr. note use of std::move() re-assign std::unique_ptr leaving original pointing @ nothing.

also, instead of if(topstate == null) have used more idiomatic if(topstate). std::unique_ptr returns true if points somewhere or false if not.

also standard c++ dictates should not begin variable names leading _.

#include <string> #include <memory> #include <iostream>  struct node {     std::string gamestate;     std::unique_ptr<node> nextgamestate;      ~node()     {         std::cout << "deleting: " << gamestate << '\n';     } };  class gamestatestack {     // should not use _ begin variable names in std c++     std::unique_ptr<node> topstate;     int gamestatescount;  public:     gamestatestack();     void pushgamestate(std::string gamestatename);     void popgamestate();     std::string currentgamestate();     void destory(); };  gamestatestack::gamestatestack() : gamestatescount(0) // initialize here {     //topstate = null; // no need initialize unique_ptr     //gamestatescount = 0; // not here }  void gamestatestack::pushgamestate(std::string gamestatename) {     std::unique_ptr<node> newtopstate(new node);     newtopstate->gamestate = gamestatename;      newtopstate->nextgamestate = std::move(topstate);     topstate = std::move(newtopstate);      gamestatescount++; }  void gamestatestack::popgamestate() {     if(!topstate)         std::cout << "error: no gamestates available pop";     else     {         topstate = std::move(topstate->nextgamestate);         gamestatescount--;     } }  std::string gamestatestack::currentgamestate() {     if(topstate)         return topstate->gamestate;     return "error: nothing on stack"; // error }  void gamestatestack::destory() {     // deleting topstate first destroy pointed     // node's own unique_ptr<node> nextgamestate     // in turn first delete own nextgamestate etc...     topstate.reset(); }  int main() {     gamestatestack stack;      std::cout << "\ndestroy test" << '\n';      stack.pushgamestate("a");     stack.pushgamestate("b");     stack.pushgamestate("c");     stack.pushgamestate("d");     stack.pushgamestate("e");     stack.pushgamestate("f");      stack.destory();      std::cout << "\npush-pop test" << '\n';      stack.pushgamestate("a");     stack.pushgamestate("b");     stack.pushgamestate("c");      std::cout << stack.currentgamestate() << '\n';      stack.popgamestate();      stack.pushgamestate("d");     stack.pushgamestate("e");      std::cout << stack.currentgamestate() << '\n';      stack.popgamestate();      std::cout << stack.currentgamestate() << '\n';      stack.popgamestate();      std::cout << stack.currentgamestate() << '\n';      stack.popgamestate();      std::cout << stack.currentgamestate() << '\n';      stack.popgamestate();      std::cout << stack.currentgamestate() << '\n';      stack.popgamestate(); } 


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