Cakephp 3 - Loading images externally from Cakephp server -

this fundamental issue, know cakephp routing need sure of best practice method this.

i have 2 websites on 2 different servers / domains talking. website on different server needs load image stored on website b cakephp application. both on different domains / servers.

if website tries load image using absolute path, example: doesn't work (and suspect cakephp routing on website-b).

whats best way implement (routing-wise or not) allow happen?

on side note, notice loading image.png results in nothing, loading image.jpg results in "imgcontroller" not found, expected. not sure why error doesn't pop png.

the problem because image, although there in website-b filesystem, 0kb in size. confused when loading website-a, network monitor didn't show outgoing http request image well. anyways, 0kb images caused issue. all.


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