mysql - Recording the number of logging attempts in a php login system -

i in process of modifying built login system suit needs. have seen there special mysql database table being used record how many attempts user has made login. if user has lets attempted 5 times no success, user put on hold specific period of time.

my question is, how necessary it? if want prevent script making automatic login attempts, not handled @ web server or firewall level?

this question off topic. answer it, use comment box, long..

cphulk service on cpanel servers might have. not monitor logins personal scripts (ie: wordpress). monitors logins services running on server, cpanel login, whm login, ssh, email (ie: smtp), , other processes.

it is absolutely necessary thwart brute-force attempts @ script level moderate site. if it's own personal little login page, no big deal. if have thousands of members, yeah want to. if handling money, or causes concern security, yes. if have forms let user's upload server, yes. in cases, yes , should.

simply tracking username/email , how many attempts isn't enough. bots use proxies , rotate usernames/emails. may use list of 10k usernames , try 10 passwords only.. ie: 10 failed attempts per account, fly under radar, , thousands of proxies.

the best way protect both ways, many attempts ip address (no matter username tried), , many attempts per account.

if ip has tried login > 10 accounts in past 60 minutes, block them x minutes/hours.

if ip has had > 10 failed logins in past 15 minutes (no matter account), block 15 minutes.

if account has had more 10 failed logins in past 15 minutes, lock 15 minutes.

keep table ip block records. if have been blocked more 3 times in past 24 hours, block ip 24 hours.

you move up, , repeat blockers, alert check out can blacklist ip.

just ideas, adjust method/actions/times see fit.


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