elasticsearch - Migrating to Aggregations from Date histogram facet builder with querystring -

i trying migrate aggregations date histogram facet builder going through following url.


i able convert few queries aggregations , got proper results, throwing exception while converting following facet query aggregations query.

facet :

{     "facets": {         "lapp442.corp.com:timer_micro.99percentile": {             "date_histogram": {                 "key_field": "@timestamp",                 "value_field": "timer_micro.99percentile",                 "interval": "30s"             },             "facet_filter": {                 "query": {                     "filtered": {                         "query": {                             "query_string": {                                 "query": "lapp442.corp.com"                             }                         },                         "filter": {                             "bool": {                                 "must": {                                     "range": {                                         "@timestamp": {                                             "from": "1433145224508",                                             "to": "now",                                             "include_lower": true,                                             "include_upper": true                                         }                                     }                                 }                             }                         }                     }                 }             },             "global": true         },         "lapp425.corp.com:timer_micro.99percentile": {             "date_histogram": {                 "key_field": "@timestamp",                 "value_field": "timer_micro.99percentile",                 "interval": "30s"             },             "facet_filter": {                 "query": {                     "filtered": {                         "query": {                             "query_string": {                                 "query": "lapp425.corp.com"                             }                         },                         "filter": {                             "bool": {                                 "must": {                                     "range": {                                         "@timestamp": {                                             "from": "1433145224508",                                             "to": "now",                                             "include_lower": true,                                             "include_upper": true                                         }                                     }                                 }                             }                         }                     }                 }             },             "global": true         }     } } 

aggregation :

{     "aggregations": {         "lapp442.corp.com:timer_micro.99percentile": {             "date_histogram": {                 "field": "@timestamp",                 "interval": "30s"             },             "aggregations": {                 "metricstats": {                     "stats": {                         "field": "timer_micro.99percentile"                     }                 },                 "host-filter": {                     "filter": {                         "query": {                             "filtered": {                                 "query": {                                     "query_string": {                                         "query": "lapp442.corp.com"                                     }                                 },                                 "filter": {                                     "bool": {                                         "must": {                                             "range": {                                                 "@timestamp": {                                                     "from": "1433145293851",                                                     "to": "now",                                                     "include_lower": true,                                                     "include_upper": true                                                 }                                             }                                         }                                     }                                 }                             }                         }                     }                 }             }         },         "lapp425.corp.com:timer_micro.99percentile": {             "date_histogram": {                 "field": "@timestamp",                 "interval": "30s"             },             "aggregations": {                 "metricstats": {                     "stats": {                         "field": "timer_micro.99percentile"                     }                 },                 "host-filter": {                     "filter": {                         "query": {                             "filtered": {                                 "query": {                                     "query_string": {                                         "query": "lapp425.corp.com"                                     }                                 },                                 "filter": {                                     "bool": {                                         "must": {                                             "range": {                                                 "@timestamp": {                                                     "from": "1433145293851",                                                     "to": "now",                                                     "include_lower": true,                                                     "include_upper": true                                                 }                                             }                                         }                                     }                                 }                             }                         }                     }                 }             }         }     } } 

please correct me if query construction wrong while migrating facet query aggregation query.


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