vb.net - Itextsharp fit width and give border -

i designing table in pdf using itextsharp. want ask if knows:

  1. how give border (like color = silver, 1px, fit width) header text?
  2. how make table fit page width (like 100%)?

i using vb.net

protected sub create_pdf_click(sender object, e eventargs) handles create_pdf.click     dim pdfdoc new document()     dim pdfwrite pdfwriter = pdfwriter.getinstance(pdfdoc, new filestream("d://pdf/myfile.pdf", filemode.create))     pdfdoc.open()     pdfdoc.add(new paragraph("here header text"))     dim table new pdfptable(3)     dim cell new pdfpcell(new phrase("header spanning 3 columns"))     cell.colspan = 3     cell.horizontalalignment = 1      table.addcell(cell)     table.addcell("col 1 row 1")     table.addcell("col 2 row 1")     table.addcell("col 3 row 1")     table.addcell("col 1 row 2")     table.addcell("col 2 row 2")     table.addcell("col 3 row 2")     pdfdoc.add(table)     pdfdoc.close() end sub 

when define document this:

dim pdfdoc new document() 

you define document pages of size a4 , margins of 36 user units. if don't want margins, need create document this:

document doc = new document(pagesize.a4, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f); 

when create pdfptable this:

dim table new pdfptable(3) 

you create table takes 80% of available width. can change 100% adding line:

table.widthpercentage = 100 

or, if want specify specific width, can use:

table.totalwidth = 595f table.lockedwidth = true 

note 595 width (in user units) of a4 page.

borders defined @ level of pdfpcell:

pdfpcell cell = new pdfpcell(phrase) cell.bordercolor = basecolor.red cell.borderwidth = 3f cell.border = rectangle.box 

of course, can define each border separately. explained here: itextsharp: set table cell border color

in case, may want define these properties defaultcell. way, don't have define them on , on again each separate cell.

it lead far if go more detail (e.g. talk table events , cell events, instance draw dashed borders). please download free ebook the best itext questions on stackoverflow find answers questions less trivial yours.


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