c# - get the combobox values from the row of the table and match -

hello friends making 1 window base application have struck somewhere thats why need experts. want value form row , match combobox.please find wrong in code. please make crrect

private void btnadd_click(object sender, eventargs e)     {          try         {               con = new sqlconnection("data source=.;initial catalog=dsiidc2;integrated security=true");             con.open();             string str = "select * addcaasedetails";              sqldataadapter da = new sqldataadapter(str, con);             dataset ds = new dataset();             da.fill(ds);              (int = 0; < ds.tables["addcaasedetails"].rows.count; i++)             {                 if (ds.tables["addcaasedetails"].rows[i]["caseno"] == casedetails.valuemember)                 {                     datagridview1.visible = true;                 }             }              }         catch (exception ex)         {             messagebox.show(ex.message);         }       } 

have check type casting or null condition check in dataset?. please brief it.


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