simple form - Rendering rails output -

i trying set simple form outputs in rails 4 app.

i have project model, scope model , participant model.

participant belongs scope. scope belongs project.

the participant model has 2 attributes - 1 'location_specific', boolean , 1 'location' string.

if location_specific true, want output location required.

in participants show partial, have:

<div class="datasubtextq">location:         <span class="datasubtext">           <% if @project.scope.participant.location_specific == true %>             <%=  @project.scope.participant.location %>           <% else %>             <%= render :text => "remote participation" %>           <% end %>         </span>   </div> 

in form, have:

  <div class="row">         <div class="col-md-3 col-md-offset-1">           <%= f.label 'can participants participate remotely?', :class => 'question-project' %>         </div>         <div class="col-md-7">           <%= par.collection_radio_buttons :location_specific, [[true, ' yes'], [false, ' no']], :first, :last, {:item_wrapper_class => 'fixradio'}, {:class => "response-project"} %>         </div>       </div>        <div id="requiredlocation">          <div class="row">           <div class="col-md-3 col-md-offset-1">             <%= f.label 'select participation location', :class => 'question-project' %>           </div>           <div class="col-md-7">             <div class="response-project">             <%= :location,                            options_for_select(["new york", "boston", "florida"]),                            label: 'where participants take part in project?',                            prompt: "choose one",                            class: 'response-project' %>           </div>         </div>         </div>       </div> 

my problem each time try this, 'remote participation alternative. city option not displaying should. ideas on i've done wrong?

thank you


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