apache - Determining the run-time source of the PHP.INI values that were used to evaluate the pre-processing? -

is there way determine, via enhanced error log message or output variable, value of core php directives' values used @ run-time? identical phpinfo() output each error.

a basic example error_reporting variable. if /etc/php.ini value set @ x, , phpinfo() states that php.ini file in-fact intended source of ini variables. if user implements run-time adjustment variable in code, able output error_reporting variable @ time when error thrown.

such when php.ini file has e_all & ~e_strict e_strict errors being reported in log files, great have way enhance output logfile shows "stacktrace" of system variables active, or @ least modified, , source each error reported, perhaps via error-id added httpd log corresponds optional file shows run-time settings @ time of error.

i realize try/catch used this, don't believe implemented in practicality large deployment of mixed 3rd party code.

does such mechanism exist in php, or has developed 1 (google says not likely)? vary valuable many other cases of errors, helping expedite merging of code-bases through relativity of variable settings error message.

i hope i'm looking @ wrong , there easy fix i'm missing.


i have working example "pecl runkit" had trouble installing apd on fresh distrib (it's old library).

you can install runkit pecl:

 pecl install runkit 

and add following lines in php.ini:

 extension=runkit.so  runkit.internal_override=1 

i forgot mention error_reporting can defined in different way using error_reporting() function or ini_set. have care each function. first copy old ini_set using runkit_function_copy , redefine using runkit_function_redefine

i use debug_bactrace(1) calling file , line number.

and catch both non-fatal , fatal error, have use set_error_handler , register_shutdown_function.

the following code output, after error, ini_set called , filename/line.

error (type=2): division 0 in file /var/www/html/test.php line 47

ini set stack

  • error_reporting defined here (in order):
    • /var/www/html/test.php, line 16, value: 0
    • /var/www/html/test.php, line 17, value: 2
    • /var/www/html/test.php, line 18, value: 1
    • /var/www/html/test.php, line 19, value: 32767


<?php runkit_function_copy("ini_set", "old_ini_set");  runkit_function_redefine("ini_set", '$key,$value', '     global $iniset;     $trace=debug_backtrace(1);     $iniset[$key][]=$trace[0];     old_ini_set($key, $value);');  runkit_function_redefine("error_reporting", '$value', '     global $iniset;     $trace=debug_backtrace(1);     $iniset["error_reporting"][]=$trace[0];     old_ini_set($key, $value);');  // let test ini_set("error_reporting", 0); ini_set("error_reporting", e_warning); error_reporting(e_error); ini_set("error_reporting", e_all);  set_error_handler("custom_error_handler"); register_shutdown_function("custom_error_handler");  function custom_error_handler($errno=null, $errstr=null) {     global $iniset;     if (!($error=func_get_args())) {         $error=error_get_last();         if ($error!=e_error) $error=null;     }     if ($error) {         echo "error (type=$error[0]): $error[1]\n             in file $error[2] line $error[3]<br />\n";         echo "ini set stack<br />\n";         echo "<ul>";         foreach ($iniset $key=>$val) {             echo "<li>$key defined here (in order):<ul>";             foreach ($val $def) {                 echo "<li>{$def['file']}, line {$def['line']},                       value: ".array_pop($def['args'])."</li>";             }             echo "</li></ul>";         }          echo "</table>";     } }  // division 0 12/0; 

previous post:

you can value of local , global configuration options ini_get_all() function.

to retrieve values of both local , global value, can set $details parameter true:

ini_get_all(null, true); 

you can value individual options ini_get() (for runtime value) , get_cfg_var() (for global php.ini value) functions.

$global_value=get_cfg_var("error_reporting"); $local_value=ini_get("error_reporting");  echo "error reporting (local value: $local_value, global value: $global_value)\n" 

in order see results when error occurs, have catch errors.

for non fatal errors, can use set_error_handler()

for fatal errors, have define shutdown_function(), see how catch php fatal error


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