ssl - BouncyCastle - how to generate PKCS10 csr in version 1.52 -

i downloaded bc*.jar files(bcprov, bcpkix, bcmail, bcpg) , put them project. eclipse cannot parse org.bouncycastle.asn1.*. documentation apparently lists asn1 related functions.

my code:

    x500principal subject = new x500principal("c=no");     contentsigner signgen = new jcacontentsignerbuilder("sha1withrsa").build(pk);      pkcs10certificationrequestbuilder builder = new jcapkcs10certificationrequestbuilder(subject, pub);     pkcs10certificationrequest csr =;  error: type org.bouncycastle.asn1.x500.x500name cannot resolved. indirectly referenced required .class files 

is correct way generate csr?


the exception throws because of classes has dependency on org.bouncycastle.asn1.x500.x500name, , class not in classpath. in case example pkcs10certificationrequestbuilder use internally org.bouncycastle.asn1.x500.x500name problem there.

the thing pkcs10certificationrequestbuilder on bcpkix.jar , org.bouncycastle.asn1.x500.x500name on bcprov.jar, add bcprov.jar classpath.

anyways if want generate certificate signing request using java maybe it's easy using directly keytool tool distributed jvm, , it's located on $java_home/bin/keytool. there lot of information on internet how generate csr using keytool can search or if prefer show 1 can take here

hope helps,


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