ruby - Scrapping a webpage with Mechanize and Nokogiri and storing data in XML doc -

i trying scrap website , store data in xml using mechanize , nokogiri. didn't set rails project , using ruby , irb.

i wrote method:

def mechanize_club     agent =     agent.get("")     form =     form.field_with(:name => 'codeligue').options[0].select     form.submit     page2 = agent.get('')     body = page2.body     html_body = nokogiri::html(body)     codeclub ='.form').children("tr:first").children("th:first").to_i     @codeclubs << codeclub     filepath  = '/davidgeismar/documents/codeclubs.xml'     builder   = 'utf-8') |xml|        xml.root {           xml.codeclubs {             @codeclubss.each |c|               xml.codeclub {                 xml.code_   c.code               }             end           }         }     end     puts builder.to_xml   end 

my first problem don't know how test code. call ruby webscrapper.rb in console, file treated think, doesn't create xml file in specified path. then, more quite sure code wrong didn't chance test it.

basically trying submit form several times:

 agent =       agent.get("")       form =       form.field_with(:name => 'codeligue').options[0].select       form.submit 

i think code ok, dont want select options[0], want select option, scrap data need, go page, select options[1]... until there no more options (an iteration guess).

the file treated think, doesnt create xml file in specified path.

there nothing in code creates file. print output, don't open or write file.

perhaps should read io , file documentation , review how using filepath variable?

the second problem don't call method anywhere. though it's defined , ruby see , parse method, has no idea want unless invoke method:

def mechanize_club   ... end  mechanize_club() 


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