opencart - Ignore CDATA tags for syntax highlighting in Sublime Text 3 -

i use sublime text editing vqmod code. don't know, vqmod dynamic search/replace application uses xml modify core files in opencart dynamically. both search position , code added typically contained within cdata tags. understandably, syntax highlighting rules regard within cdata tags block of plain text no language rules applied. in case, code contained therein can html, php, javascript or inline css.

is there way can modify syntax highlighting rules text contained within cdata tags still evaluated code?

here example:

<operation>     <search position="after"><![cdata[public function index()]]></search>     <add><![cdata[         $data['examples'] = $this->model_extension_extension->getexamples();     ]]>     </add> </operation> 

the <search> code less important, whatever lies within <add><![cdata[ , ]]></add> recognized php. these extremely long blocks code , having proper syntax highlighting here help.

i encountered issue entire cdata section html. workaround open document syntax type scala. ruby works well, think scala highlighting more relevant.


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