Can I use {{}} with a Collection has format in Jekyll? -

from document read on jekyll , around internet, posts in _posts directory in format , date can retrieved using {{}} liquid variable without need of specify yaml front matter "date".

however, created collection @ same level of _posts, called _collections. question is: can setup retrieved date of markdown files in collection without front matter, used in _posts?

additionally, want know how can markdown files in _posts can have property? , if there's solution, can use github pages?

given have collection page url /folder/2015-11-29-some-words-here.html, can mimic posts date :

{% assign filename = page.url | split: "/" | last %}  {% assign elements = filename | split: "-" %}  {% capture datestring %}{{elements[0]}}-{{elements[1]}}-{{elements[2]}}{% endcapture %}  {{ datestring | date: "%a, %b %d, %y" }} 

for more information on liquid date formating


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