android - Decoding Base64 String to Bitmap -

i have image being sent me through json string. , want set in imageview.

the json looks pgltzybzcmm9imh0dha6ly8xotiumty4ljeumta4l2jra19hbmryby9hc3nldc9pbwfnzxmvbg9rzxjfc21hbgwuanbnij4=

and code decode string bitmap , show imageview

string displayimagefromurl = c.getstring(imageurl);                     byte[]decodedstring = base64.decode(displayimagefromurl,base64.default);                     bitmap decodedbyte = bitmapfactory.decodebytearray(decodedstring, 0, decodedstring.length);                     imageview showimage = (imageview) findviewbyid(;                     showimage.setimagebitmap(decodedbyte); 

but when run in logcat shows "d/skia﹕ --- skimagedecoder::factory returned null"

please me


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