How to get select2 value in AngularJs -

i not able value of select2. code:

<select id="categoryid" class="category"                                     ng-model="selectedcategory"                         ng-options=" selectedcategories in categories"                         ng-change="selectedcategory()">                         <option></option>                     </select> 

in controllers wrote this:

    .....      function initializeselect2 (){         $category.select2({                 allowclear: true         });    }     $scope.selectedcategory = function (){         console.log('selectcategory: '+ $scope.selectedcategory);        } 

for versions of select2 before 4.0.0, recommended drop select2 , use ui-select (not ui-select2) angularjs-native version of select2. select2 4.0.0 works angularjs though (as needs to), no longer strictly necessary use ui-select.

the problem here dom change event (which triggered select2) different angularjs change event, listening to. angularjs change event triggered whenever value of ng-model changes, in case might not when expecting it.

your ng-model doesn't contain dot (.) in it, means angular not going able listen changes , might never detect them. 1 fixable explanation why ng-change handler might not triggered.

the other reason might select2 half-destroyed in digest cycle, leave select2's dom sitting in pieces around page event handlers wouldn't working expected. noticeable dropdown not opening or closing, suspect might not issue.


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