android - TBMP skeleton - How do I override notification events -

i following tbmp skeleton app create own turnbased multiplayer game.

i tried using these methods handle notifications never called:

@override public void oninvitationreceived(invitation invitation) {     toast.maketext(             this,             "an invitation has arrived "                     + invitation.getinviter().getdisplayname(), toast_delay)             .show(); }  @override public void onturnbasedmatchreceived(turnbasedmatch match) {     toast.maketext(this, "a match updated.", toast_delay).show(); } 

does know why these methods aren't called when player clicks on game notification?

and alternatively, if these methods never being called, how google api handle receiving notifications?

my notification messages instead: player1 invites match of skeleton tbmp , it's turn in match of tbmp skeleton player1

turns out missing these lines:

games.invitations.registerinvitationlistener(getapiclient(), this);  games.turnbasedmultiplayer.registermatchupdatelistener(getapiclient(), this); 


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