android - NavigationView menu items with counter on the right -

the new navigationview in new design support library works great.

they use "menu-items" display options.

but how can display counter right of menu item?

like in picture:

enter image description here

or in gmail app.

starting version 23 of appcompat-v7 navigationview supports action views, quite easy implement counter yourself.

  1. create counter layout, i.e. menu_counter.xml:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <textview xmlns:android=""     android:layout_width="wrap_content"     android:layout_height="match_parent"     android:gravity="center_vertical"     android:textappearance="@style/textappearance.appcompat.body2" /> 
  2. reference in drawer menu xml, i.e. menu/drawer.xml:

    <item     ...     app:actionlayout="@layout/menu_counter" /> 

note should use app namespace, don't try use android.

alternatively can manually set action view menuitem.setactionview() method.

  1. find menu item , set counter:

    private void setmenucounter(@idres int itemid, int count) {     textview view = (textview) navigationview.getmenu().finditem(itemid).getactionview();     view.settext(count > 0 ? string.valueof(count) : null); } 

note, need use menuitemcompat if have support android 2.x versions.


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