c++ - Too few template arguments error while trying to pass a list of pointers as a parameter? -

i've made "socialite" class, , separate "faction" class. 1 of arguments socialite object vector of pointers "factions". had used socialite class earlier without 'factionlist' parameter, , worked fine.

class socialite { public:   socialite();  socialite(string lastname, string firstname, string userid, string picture, string website, string description, list<faction*> factionlist);   //other methods   void newsocialite(string lastname, string firstname, string userid, string picture, string website, string description, list<faction*> factionlist);  void deletesocialite(string lastname, string firstname, string userid, string picture, string website, string description, list<faction*> factionlist);   //other methods  private:   string lastname_;  string firstname_;  string userid_;  string picture_;  string website_;  string description_;   vector<socialite *> socialiteptr_;  list<faction*> factionlist_;    }; 

when included however, errors:

 error c2976: 'std::list' : few template arguments   


 error c2065: 'faction' : undeclared identifier  

on same line every time method/constructor contains factionlist. solutions looked involved code using templates, , i'm not using any, don't understand what's wrong.

extra info: vector of pointers stored in such way:

 vector<faction *> factionptr_; 

and make list in such way:

 list<faction*> list_factions(factionptr_.begin(), factionptr_.end()); 

what doing wrong?

as @wojtek surowka said, can forward declare class faction:

class faction;  class socialite { ... } 

or can include header file faction declaration (if faction declared in fraction.h file):

#include "faction.h"  class socialite { ... } 

but in case faction.h shouldn't include header socialite class.


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