sql - Creating a query that uses many to many tables -

i have database of library contains academic papers. papers may have multiple co-authors , information kept in many-to-many table since have table of authors. co-author table like:

paper id    co-author id paper_1     author_2 paper_1     author_5 paper_1     author_7 paper_3     author_5 ... 

i need create query returns information specific paper including co-authors of it. when try that, come table this:

paper id  paper name  publication date  co-author ... paper_1   asd         2013              author_2 paper_1   asd         2013              author_5 paper_1   asd         2013              author_7 

i don't want repeating. need show citation information of paper, contained in many-to-many table authors , 2, table returns same information 12 times when paper has 3 co-authors , 4 citations. how can manage that? table helpful:

paper id  paper name  publication date  co-author  cited paper_1   asd         2013              author_2   paper_15                                         author_5   paper_22                                         author_7   paper_23                                                    paper_25 

or if have better idea table design, i'm open those. lot in advance.

i recommend keep initial result have...

paper id  paper name  publication date  co-author ... paper_1   asd         2013              author_2 paper_1   asd         2013              author_5 paper_1   asd         2013              author_7 

if examine above, each row has paper id identifier. result desire incomplete data, asking null data incomplete viewer.

paper id  paper name  publication date  co-author  cited paper_1   asd         2013              author_2   paper_15 null      null        null              author_5   paper_22 null      null        null              author_7   paper_23 null      null        null              null       paper_25 

looking @ desired result, paper_25 there technically no data related cited by row making redundant. sql language isn't built styling purposes, better off leaving such formatting spreadsheet program or website style sheets.


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