c# - MahApps.Metro Message and Progress connect -

i create logic mahapps looks this:

showscreencommand = new command(async () => {     var window = application.current.mainwindow metrowindow;     if (await window.showmessageasync("are sure remove it?", "removal", messagedialogstyle.affirmativeandnegative) == messagedialogresult.affirmative)     {         await removepatienttask();     } });  private async task removetask() {     var window = application.current.mainwindow metrowindow;     var controller = await window.showprogressasync("please wait...","process message",false,new metrodialogsettings());      await task.delay(5000);     await controller.closeasync(); } 

problem is, there gap between message , progress dialogs. 1 dialog hides, second 1 shows. not looking perfectly.

is there way remove gap? mean, replace 1 dialog another?

try removing closing animation of showmessageasync method:

await window.showmessageasync("are sure remove it?",                                "removal",                               messagedialogstyle.affirmativeandnegative,                               new metrodialogsettings                                {                                  animatehide = false                                }); 

maybe you'll have remove showing animation of progress well, it's same code, replacing animatehide animateshow.


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