email - Issues in mail received time when using hotmail in php mailer -

here code sending email localhost after referred lot online.

html form:

<form method="post" action="email.php">   email: <input name="email" id="email" type="text" /><br />    message:<br />   <textarea name="message" id="message" rows="15" cols="40"></textarea><br />    <input type="submit" value="submit" /> </form> 


<?php  // $email , $message data being // posted page our html contact form $email = $_request['email'] ; $message = $_request['message'] ;  require_once('class.phpmailer.php'); require 'phpmailerautoload.php'; require 'class.smtp.php';  $mail = new phpmailer(); $body='hellooooo'; $mail->issmtp();  $mail->host = "ssl://"; // specify main , backup server  $mail->smtpauth = true; // turn on smtp authentication  $mail->username = ""; // smtp username $mail->password = "mypassword"; // smtp password $mailer->smtpsecure = 'ssl'; $mailer->port = 465;//587; $mail->addaddress("", "brad markle"); $mail->setfrom('','selva rani'); $mail->wordwrap = 50;  $mail->ishtml(true);  $mail->subject = "you have received feedback website!";  $mail->msghtml($body);  if(!$mail->send()) { echo "message not sent. <p>"; echo "mailer error: " . $mail->errorinfo; exit; }  echo "message has been sent"; ?> 

so when run code, received mail time correct in gmail,

if use hotmail means, received time not correct.

may know know?

anyone can me?


note: m new php, want know particular 1 , fix problem. , referred similar questions in stack, didn't me,

can me fix this?


when check email acc, shows this,

so in image, time showed., 8.48am, not correct according indian time, need show 2.05pm ..

according question,

for hotmail time settings,

i modified hotmail acc, after work,

the steps are,

  1. log hotmail account
  2. click on options in upper right corner of page
  3. under "manage account, click on option "view , edit personal information"
  4. one account summary page, click link name "registered information" under birthdate
  5. select correct country in home location section
  6. select correct time zone in time zone section.
  7. click on save tab


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