javascript - How to add table columns and rows dynamically with the correct number of cells? -

i'm looking dynamically add rows , columns table, , i've gotten pretty far researching how jquery. i've successfully, been able add columns have correct number of rows , remove entire row. have not been able add row correct number of columns , remove entire column (all rows gone!).

here script have far:

jquery(window).load( function($) {  // add column function jquery('#ldrm-add-col').click(function() {     jquery('.ldrm thead tr').append('<th class="rb-top">test</th>');     jquery('.ldrm tr:gt(0)').append('<td>col</td>');     console.log('autocomplete'); });  // add row function jquery('#ldrm-add-row').click(function() {     jquery('.ldrm tbody').append('<tr><td class="remove-row"><span class="btn">remove</span></td><td class="rb-left">test</td><td>test</td></tr>');     console.log('autocomplete'); });  // remove row function jquery(document).on('click','td.remove-row .btn', function() {     jquery(this).closest('tr').remove(); });  }); 

so, if start 3 columns , click add row, works fine right because adds 3 rows. however, if click add column , appends 4th column , click add row, there cell missing because script doesn't know column added.

any suggestions on how can improve add row script take account dynamically added columns?

for add row function need account how many columns currently in table. did quick , dirty iife show mean.

// add row function jquery('#ldrm-add-row').click(function() {     // -2 account 2 empty th's @ top left     var numofcol = $('thead th').length - 2;      jquery('.ldrm tbody').append('<tr><td class="remove-row"><span class="btn">remove</span></td><td class="rb-left">test</td>' + (function() { var str = ''; for(var i=0; < numofcol; i++) { str += '<td>test</td>'; } return str; })());     console.log('autocomplete'); }); 


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