charts - Extjs pie callout lines are not displayed -

i created pie in extjs callout line not displayed, see following screenshots , code :

this actual pie :

enter image description here

this want :

enter image description here

and code :

ext.create('ext.chart.chart', {              renderto: 'infos2',              width: 500,              height: 300,              animate: true,              store: store2,              series: [              {                type: 'pie',                highlight: {                    segment: {                      margin: 20                    }                  },                field: 'population',                label: {                  field: 'state',                  display: 'outside',                  font: '12px arial',                  calloutline: {                         width: 5,                         length: 30                  }                }              }              ]           }); 

according comment of yellen, calloutline has been added on 4.2.2 version of extjs


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