oracle - Redundant blank line in query result -

i have sql:

with p_1 (     select 1 sorszam, 'x1' tipus dual     union select 2 sorszam, 'x2' tipus dual     union select 3 sorszam, 'x3' tipus dual ) select (     (case when p1.sorszam=1 ('[' || chr(13) || chr(10)) else '' end) ||      p1.tipus      || (case when p1.sorszam=(select max(sorszam) p_1) (chr(13) || chr(10) || ']') else '' end)     ) szoveg p_1 p1 order p1.sorszam 

the result is:

szoveg -------- [ x1  x2 x3 ] 

my question is: why there blank line after first line?

using set recsep off removes record separator.


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