r - readOGR() cannot open file -

wmap <- readogr(dsn="~/r/funwithr/data/ne_110m_land", layer="ne_110m_land") 

this code not loading shape file , error generated as

error in ogrinfo(dsn = dsn, layer = layer, encoding = encoding, use_iconv = use_iconv,  :  cannot open file 

i sure directory correct one. @ end / not there , layer name correct.

inside ne_110m_land directory files have are: ne_110m_land.dbf,ne_110m_land.prj,ne_110m_land.shp,ne_110m_land.shx,ne_110m_land.version.txt,ne_110m_land.readme.html

you have shown have right path with:

list.files('~/r/funwithr/data/ne_110m_land', pattern='\\.shp$') file.exists('~/r/funwithr/data/ne_110m_land/ne_110m_land.shp') 

perhaps try:

readogr(dsn=path.expand("~/r/funwithr/data/ne_110m_land"), layer="ne_110m_land") 

or simpler alternative wrapped around that:

library(raster) s <- shapefile("~/r/funwithr/data/ne_110m_land/ne_110m_land.shp") 


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