Matching SVN commits without a valid JIRA issue to a catch all ticket -

my client's team lead has asked me integrate team's svn repository jira, source svn commits show against jira tickets. achieve have activated jira svn plugin, , written pre-commit script reject commits not contain valid jira issue.

this task complicated because senior member of team has reservations driving source control workflow jira issues. compromise until process solidifies, have been tasked adding backdoor '#nojira' pre-commit hook. svn commits containing #nojira permitted, catch ticket project-catch_all_issue_number should record these commits.

while there's obvious alternative solution problem (:)) know of way set mapping project-catch_all_issue_number -> #nojira in jira's svn plugin?

i have considered modifying commit message in post commit hook replace #nojira catch issue id seems wrong on several levels.

a hack use project-catch_all_issue_number rather #nojira, , post comment project-catch_all_issue_number post-commit hook. there might cleaner way add optional workflow though.


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