javascript - Why addPolygon change position image - phaser.js -

i have problem when use addpolygon. polygon change position image. when turn on debug see images, , new shape draw in center. second problem don't why image , shape polygon different. how fix problem ? not seen problem when use addrectangle. image , new shape corect in tile 70px x 70px.

function create() { ... groups.tile =; groups.tile.enablebody = true; groups.tile.enablebodydebug = true; groups.tile.physicsbodytype = phaser.physics.p2js; groups.tile.collideworldbounds = false; ...  var obj = groups.tile.create((x * map.width) - (map.width / 2), (y * map.height) - (map.height / 2), spritename, numbertile); obj.body.static = true; obj.body.fixedrotation = true; obj.body.collideworldbounds = true; obj.body.clearshapes();  var mypolygonarray= [ [0,0], [0,70], [70,70], [70,46], [25,46],  [25,0]]; obj.body.addpolygon({}, mypolygonarray); } 


a) enter image description here b) enter image description here c) enter image description here

if found there solution?


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