php - Cannot set public property on Mockery mock object -

i'm trying use mockery create mock object mimics php's internal ziparchive class.

i have following php code:

$zipmock = mockery::mock('ziparchive'); $zipmock->numfiles = 10; echo 'number of files: '.$zipmock->numfiles; 

however, when run following result:

number of files: 0 

i'd expect show 10, rather 0. can't work out why happening since the documentation implies should possible set public properties on mock objects directly. missing?

i can't work out why happening since documentation implies should possible set public properties on mock objects directly. missing?

you're missing point ziparchive::$numfiles not standard public property. ziparchive not userland php class (plain old php object) 1 php extension. means property effectively read-only:

so mocking mockery not option num-files property. can mock own object, here 10 files:

$file = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'zip');  $zip = new ziparchive; $zip->open($file, ziparchive::create);  foreach(range(1, 10) $num) {     $zip->addfromstring($num, ""); }  var_dump($zip->numfiles);  $zip->close(); unlink($file); 


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