.net - Display a view in _Layout.cshtml? -

i have followed tutorial generate dynamic list menu http://dotnetawesome.blogspot.se/2014/06/how-to-create-treeview-with-database-data-mvc4-aspnet.html

this view

@model list<project.models.treeview>  @{     viewbag.title = "simple"; }  <h2>simple treeview database data</h2> <div style="border:solid 1px black; padding:10px; background-color:#fafafa">     <div class="treeview">         @if (model != null && model.count() > 0)         {             <ul>                 @treeview.gettreeview(model, model.firstordefault().parentcategoryid)             </ul>         }     </div> </div>  @* here need jquery code make treeview collapsible *@ @section scripts{        <script>             $(document).ready(function () {                 $(".treeview li>ul").css('display', 'none'); // hide 2-level ul                 $(".collapsible").click(function (e) {                     e.preventdefault();                     $(this).toggleclass("collapse-tree expand-tree");                     $(this).closest('li').children('ul').slidetoggle();                 });             });         </script>          }  

and works fine instead of having in separate view want integrate it main manu. want display result view above in code below have text "display here". _layout.cshtml

            <div class="navbar-collapse collapse">                 <ul class="nav navbar-nav"> display here!!                         <li>@html.actionlink("video", "index", "video")</li>                         <li>@html.actionlink("photos", "index", "photos")</li> </ul> <div>  

i have looked partial view , html.renderaction don't know use


file structure

controllers -- treeviewscontroller.cs  models -- treeview.cs  views shared -- _layout  treeviews -- index.cshtml -- create.chhtml -- delete.chhtml 

tested with

<li>@{html.renderpartial("index", "treeviews");}</li> <li>@{html.renderpartial("treeviews");}</li> 

renamed file index (in views treevviews) _treeviews


ways render partial views

  • html.renderpartial - faster html.partial
  • html.partial

use @{html.renderpartial("_partialviewname")} render partial view


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