php - Magento: Limit text field size in product custom attribute to 80 characters -

i have problem using following tip magento forum:

quote: 1 option add backend model attribute. in model write own beforesave function process length of given value , trim desired length. class should extend mage_eav_model_entity_attribute_backend_abstract


public function beforesave($object) {      $attrcode = $this->getattribute()->getattributecode();      if ($object->hasdata($attrcode)) {          $object->setdata($attrcode, substr($object->getdata($attrcode),0,50));      }      return $this; } 

my question is: how , implement snippet? put in /app/code/core/mage/eav/model/entity/attribute/backend/default.php had no effect.

first @ all, you'll never should place custom code core files. destroys upgradabillity. create own custom modules under app/code/local. there can create model extends mage_eav_model_entity_attribute_backend_abstract.

may link helps create module:

also can use magerun (an cli tool magento) create module:
