java - Creating linked list parsing line trouble -

i reading lines file, total number around 150,000 lines. each time line read

-i modify object city,

-then add linked list

-then print out content of linked list in last position, , find correct.

-after filereader loop ends, find object on linkedlist have same city value, last value entered ( last line of file read) --> problem

public static void lala() throws ioexception{      string fileline;        bufferedreader r = new bufferedreader(new filereader(             "list_of_1000_cities coords.txt"));       city x = new city() ;       while ((fileline = r.readline()) != null) {         string[] tokens = fileline.split(",");           if (preprocessor.get_double(tokens[1])!=0 && preprocessor.get_double(tokens[2])!=0) {            x.latitude= double.parsedouble(tokens[1]);           x.longitude= double.parsedouble(tokens[2]); tokens[0];         citylist.add(x );          system.out.println(citylist.get(citylist.size() - 1).name);          //prints correct name          }     }          system.out.println(citylist.get(1115).name);      // prints last name on file read no matter how change index printed   } 

java refers objects references. hence within while loop modifying value of same reference x have assigned outside loop.

instantiate new value of x within while loop each of co-ordinates , add list - problem solved.

to more specific code :

string fileline;

bufferedreader r = new bufferedreader(new filereader(         "list_of_1000_cities coords.txt"));      while ((fileline = r.readline()) != null) {     string[] tokens = fileline.split(",");       if (preprocessor.get_double(tokens[1])!=0 && preprocessor.get_double(tokens[2])!=0) {      city x = new city() ;      x.latitude= double.parsedouble(tokens[1]);       x.longitude= double.parsedouble(tokens[2]); tokens[0];     citylist.add(x );      system.out.println(citylist.get(citylist.size() - 1).name);      //prints correct name      } }      system.out.println(citylist.get(1115).name); 


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