android - Where to place function to fetch data from server when waiting for location data -

i'm building application has data server according latitude , longitude google play services location api. i'm not able figure out place functions location , fetch data server. i'm going explain me better. when application start have last known location , have seen possible through

@override public void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) {     super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);     currentgeolocation currentgeolocation = currentgeolocation.get(getactivity()); }  @override public void onstart() {     super.onstart();     mcurrentgeolocation.connectgoogleapiclient(); } 


public static currentgeolocation get(context appcontext) {         if (scurrentgeolocation == null) {             scurrentgeolocation = new currentgeolocation(appcontext.getapplicationcontext());         }         return scurrentgeolocation;     }      private currentgeolocation(context appcontext) {         mappcontext = appcontext;         mrequestinglocationupdates = true;         // create pojo store last known location         mcurrentgeolocationentity = new currentgeolocationentity();         buildgoogleapiclient();         createlocationrequest();     }      @override     public void onconnected(bundle bundle) {         log.i(tag, "connected goggleapiclient");         if (mcurrentgeolocationentity.getmlastlocation() == null) {             mcurrentgeolocationentity.setmlastlocation(locationservices.fusedlocationapi.getlastlocation(mgoogleapiclient));         }          if (mrequestinglocationupdates) {             startlocationupdates();         }     } 

my problem don't know place function retrieve data server. i'm using volley library , have written data. suggest?

if concerned visibility of fragment due not being loaded yet, can try 2 things. first using viewtreeobserver. use viewtreeobserver wait fragment or view finish loading fetch data. here example using view:

 viewtreeobserver viewtreeobserver = view.getviewtreeobserver();     if (viewtreeobserver.isalive()) {       viewtreeobserver.addongloballayoutlistener(new ongloballayoutlistener() {         @override         public void ongloballayout() {           yourview.getviewtreeobserver().removeglobalonlayoutlistener(this);           // fetch , data insert view here.          ...         }       });     } 

the next 1 can try fetching using runnable. example:

yourlayout = (relativelayout) findviewbyid(; yourlayout .post(new runnable() {     @override     public void run() {         // fetch , data insert view here.          ...     } }); 
