Is it good idea to make separate CSS file for each HTML page? -

i building personal homepage. have 4 html pages , 1 css sheet linked of pages. is, inside single css file have set layout different pages. [in fact, each page has pretty same layout, contents , style looks different. , website isnt advance.]

is practice? or should create separate css each page?

an example of have done:


<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="design.css"> 


<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="design.css"> 


/* ....... */ 

your example shows using 1 design.css file entire website.

generally, better have 1 single .css file containing data pages 2 reasons:

  1. you allow browsers cache .css files resulting in faster loading times;
  2. it ease maintenance process.

i advise you, if want divide .css in separate blocks use css' @import divide blocks of code f.e form styles , on.


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