ios - Apple Watch: deep linking after notification -

when receive notification on watch set application want deep link apple watch app.

currently happens:

  • a notification occurs on watch
  • we click on our action "add notes"
  • our app opens add note screen
  • a note added
  • the application closes , returns before notification started.

is there way keep app open after actions ends? if not there apple documentation explaining why not control flow?

i think you're asking how implement deep linking watchkit app.

many people don't realize, if you're using dynamic notification interface, can using handoff. broadcast user activity watch registered handle in notification controller, so:

[self updateuseractivity:@"com.briangilham.exampleapp.readingarticle"             userinfo:@{@"articleid":@"1234567890"}           webpageurl:nil]; 

if don't want user's iphone attempt continue activity, i'd recommend using activity string host app doesn't recognize.

then, in watchkit app's initial interface controller, can implement handleuseractivity: , load note creation interface.


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