javascript - Testing an Angular directive with isolate scope data -

i have angularjs directive reads input data it's attributes, this:

<my-directive input-data='items'></my-directive> 

my directive:

return {      scope: {         inputdata: '='     }  } ... 

now, define nested array of objects in scope , directive reads data scope, i'm trying make jasmine, grunt , angular play nicely directive can test it, i'm getting error:

error: [$compile:nonassign] expression 'undefined' used directive 'angularmultiselect' non-assignable! 

this how i'm trying inject data in jasmine test:

inject(function($compile, $rootscope) {     scope = $rootscope.$new();      //scope.items = [];  //<--- works, it's useless     scope.items = [{}, {}];  //<---- triggers error (i haven't deleted anything, array 2 empty objects     elem = angular.element(html);     $compile(elem)(scope);     scope.$digest(); }); 

how supposed pass data, jasmine, directive?

my problem directive trying bind model data non-existing variable in scope of jasmine.


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