java - What is wrong with my database code? -

i'm trying check if string key in netflix column.

public boolean checkserial(string key){     boolean isvalid = false;     sql = "select * keys netflix=?";     try{         ps = con.preparestatement(sql);         ps.setstring(1, key);         rs = ps.executequery();         if(             isvalid = true;     }catch(sqlexception e){         system.out.println(e);     }     return isvalid; } 

com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.mysqlsyntaxerrorexception: have error in sql syntax; check manual corresponds mariadb server version right syntax use near 'keys netflix='ipman'' @ line 1

keys mysql reserved keyword. possibly you'll error if there's nothing wrong query.

either you've avoid using mysql reserved keywords, can found at


use appropriate quotes keywords if don't want change existing table. like,

select * `keys` netflix=? 

note: it's not single quote, it's symbol present along tilde symbol below escape button (it's called backtick according comment).


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