javascript - jasmine spy on jquery -

i have jquery function:

$.fn.header = function (options) {     return this.each(function () {         // bla bla     }); }; 

and somewhere in code call it:

function initheader() {     // code before      $('my-header').header({      }); } 

and have jasmine test:

it('shows header in cases', function () {     var header = spyon($.fn, 'header');     expect(header).tohavebeencalledwith('header'); }); 

when running test following error:

typeerror: 'undefined' not function (evaluating '$('my-header').header')     @ initheader     .....     header() method not exist 

what problem , how can fix it?

p.s. have added jquery karma.conf.js file.

this doesn't jasmine error thrown code. seems not able find header method. check if js file $.fn.header definition included in karma config.


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