select - orientdb query edge property by value -

please excuse limited english.

i'm using orientdb (community-2.0.9) , have 2 vertices: person , university , 1 edge: isstudent. edge isstudent has property 'mark' float. person --isstudent--> universtity
wan't select persons, mark greater 3.0, got no results.
but if query equality got 2 results.
do have ideas how solve this?

select person out_isstudent.mark = 3.4 --> 2 results select person out_isstudent.mark > 3.0 --> no results 

best regards.

if you:

select out_isstudent.mark person 

you see returns list [3.4] instead of 3.4

the query should not work first since you're comparing [3.4] == 3.4

you can achieve want with:

select person out_isstudent[0].mark > 3 


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