appcelerator - Titanium in-app purchase with ti.storekit - product not found -

i have in-app product set purchase in itunes connect via ti.storekit:

enter image description here

my appcelerator 4.0 app compiles , deploys device (dev profile). ti.storekit linked app , compiles. seems execute correctly, in terms of no unhandled exceptions. telling me can't find in-app purchase product. have tried handing "15 keys" , "15keys" ti.storekit. wasn't sure 1 wanted (reference name or product id) - anyway neither works.

here's documentation i've been following.

and here function in ti.storekit produces error message:

function requestproduct(identifier, success) {     storekit.requestproducts([identifier], function (evt) {         if (!evt.success) {             alert('error: failed talk apple!');         }         else if (evt.invalid) {             alert('error: invalid product: ' + identifier);         }         else {             success(evt.products[0]);         }     }); } 

the "else if" line being executed: alert('error: invalid product: ' + identifier); doing wrong? should handing reference name (15 keys) or product id (15keys)? , since have tried both , neither works, how can troubleshoot this? doing wrong?


i unclear on 3 things:

1- should go settings on ipad , log in itunes/store test user apple sandbox account? i'm unable because keeps requiring me enter credit card. test credit cards i've used in past (on other non-ios systems), such 4111111111111111 not work, , cannot continue , sign in. not sure if i'm supposed this. if so, cc credentials can use? should use real cc this? based on i'm reading in other articles , posts, says never link test account cc number...then why won't apple let me log in test user apple device (inside settings) without entering credit card?

2- i'm not following steps in exactly, because in app there nothing download, nothing host, etc. in app, users can buy keys, digital entities in app -- nothing download. have removed code/steps have downloading/hosting.

3- version 1.0.0 of app awaiting review in app store. version has no ti.storekit , no in-app purchase. nothing. i'm working on newer version storekit , in-app purchase stuff in latest appcelerator 4.0 project. shouldn't work in dev environment, on connected ipad, in dev build? fact have 1.0.0 awaiting review, no storekit stuff, should have nothing new version in dev account storekit, right? puzzled message:

enter image description here

do need submit new build apple before dev storekit stuff work? if so, seems strange, though app-store release candidate connected stuff have in development in local environment. message indicating why dev storekit stuff won't work? in-app purchase product seems correctly configured, shouldn't able connect in dev/sandbox regardless of 1.0 app (no storekit) awaiting review in app store?

thanks help...i must missing critical step i'm not seeing.

did check if use sandbox testing?

and aware have sign out of existing app store account test?

you have use product id (15keys).


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