javascript - Display first post from query -

from query:

var q = keystone.list('post').paginate({             page: || 1,             perpage: 10,             maxpages: 10         })         .where('state', 'published')         .sort('-publisheddate')         .populate('author categories');      if ( {         q.where('categories').in([]);     }      q.exec(function(err, results) { = results;         next(err);     }); 

i'm trying display latest post in jade template, this:


but empty, can explain how can this?

many thanks

edit dump mongodb, not sure how else show whats in data:

/** posts records **/ db.getcollection("posts").insert({   "__v": numberint(1),   "_id": objectid("553245bbdea6b152f4e96a9a"),   "author": objectid("552f90c2d877f67c1c70a0ea"),   "categories": [     objectid("5535fd895261330821d38109")   ],   "content": {      "brief": "<p>test content</p>",     "extended": "<p>test contenttest contenttest contenttest contenttest     content</p>"   },   "image": "",   "publisheddate": isodate("2015-05-12t23:00:00.0z"),   "slug": "tester",   "state": "published",   "title": "tester"   });  db.getcollection("posts").insert({   "__v": numberint(0),   "_id": objectid("55604f7f5595f2581625a932"),   "categories": [    ],   "content": {      "brief": "<p>dsfsdfsd</p>",     "extended": "<p>dfdsfsd</p>"   },   "image": "",   "slug": "sdffdsfs",  "state": "draft",   "title": "sdffdsfs" }); 

this how loop through data in view:

each post in             ul             each item in post                 li                     a(href='/blog/post/' + item.slug) #{item.title}  


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