javascript - If statement checks regardless of the case of the letters -

i want make if statement flexible. if input exact info in input box, statement triggers if user put in lower case or uppercase cannot detected. here codes.

var find = _.findwhere($scope.allcast, {name: castname});             if(!find){                 var cast = {                     cpportfolioitemid: id,                     name: castname,                     job: 'cast',                     role: castrole                 };                 contentassessmentfactory.addcastdetail(cast);             }else{                 $window.alert('cast name exist.');             } 

any appreciated.

you can use _.filter() converting , castname in lower or upper case.

//return array of matched elements var find = _.filter($scope.allcast, function(cast){     //convert both text in lower case , compare     //if required can use .trim() castname.trim().tolowercase() strip whitespace      return == castname.tolowercase(); });  if(find.length == 0){     var cast = {         cpportfolioitemid: id,         name: castname,         job: 'cast',         role: castrole     };     contentassessmentfactory.addcastdetail(cast); }else{     $window.alert('cast name exist.'); } 


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