node.js - Nodejs, PM2, and nginx deploying security? -

there few guides online show how nodejs running on server, tend skip on few details on security. bit of loaded question, , i'm not sure begin. wondering if clarify following details.

first, setup:

  • i have installed node locally non-sudo user because running node admin bad idea:

    /home/appuser     |--- nodejs/               # node install             |--- bin/             |--- include/             |--- lib/             |--- share/      |--- app/             |--- node_modules/             |--- public/        # holds html templates, static files , uploaded files             |--- core/          # holds main app js files             |--- app.js         # main nodejs program             |--- config.js      # configuration holds authentication details, other config stuff             |--- package.json 

    i can run application using pm2 doing pm2 start app.js.

    my nginx configuration:

    server {     listen 80;      server_name;      location / {       proxy_pass http://localhost:8080;       proxy_http_version 1.1;       proxy_set_header upgrade $http_upgrade;       proxy_set_header connection 'upgrade';       proxy_set_header host $host;       proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade;     } } 

my concerns are:

(1) application - should main app/ live inside /home/appuser?

  • any danger in having app files live inside non-sudo user home? if so, should app files live?

  • i'm wondering if public/ should in different place , not live in same folder application files. wouldn't want application source files leak out, config.js holds sensitive information database auth details , email auth details.

    if should moved, /public live relative app/?

  • right permissions on app/ chown -r appuser:appuser app/, user owns files. there other permissions should set on application folder?

(2) pm2 - since installed nodejs , modules locally, how safely pm2 restart nodejs app after server restart?

  • my understanding live in /etc/init.d/, , happens automatically if had installed pm2 globally sudo.

    how should pm2 restart app safely using non-sudo user?

(3) nginx

  • how can safely serve public/ through nginx if served this: 
  • my app handles routes , should throw 404 if route not found. possible work around , maliciously make app or nginx browse other directories?

    ie, outside of app directory 

    or, locally in app 

    are there security precautions can set in nginx or nodejs prevent if possible?

  1. the way adopt have files node:node-developer. , start app under node user. node-developer group developers. , set file permissions 770

  2. write simple shell script logs node user , start pm2 init scirpts

  3. solved using proper permission settings. nginx runs under nginx user. if files public, make nginx:nginx. user public/../../something. nginx not have rights access it.


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