node.js - MSCHAPv2 with RADIUS - How exactly does the encrypting process go? -
i'm building radius server work ms-chapv2 in node.js. have radius client, vpn server sends me following in access-request:
i tested actual microsoft radius server , access-accept response following:
ms-mppe-recv-key: long string
ms-mppe-send-key: long string
ms-chap2-sucess: long string
i tried following rfc material, it's complicated , need understand:
what i'm supposed access-request attributes(challenge&response) server?
how supposed create 3 keys in access-accept?
i've read many articles , places, including pentesting examples.
some said there's use of rc4,3des, md4, md5, sha1 , don't know follow since gives 2-3 lines of explaining.
what encrypted? how authenticate user? supposed create hash duplicate of challenge/response cause contains md4&3des encrypted password?
assistance please....
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